Experience in computer simulation for change management - Date # 1
Mon, Jul 13
|Online Event
Feel free to experiment online with computer simulation for change management. A great tool for strengthening the capabilities of the executive layer in an organization during this hectic period

זמן ומיקום
Jul 13, 2020, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Online Event
פרטי האירוע
The corona has not decided whether to stay or leave and the managers in your organizations have to adapt to the reality of change and change and it is not a simple challenge. So if your organization is also looking for a way to strengthen the management layer in such a period with a short investment of time - our game of change can suit.
The game simulates a scenario of organizational change, in which you are in the role of manager leading change. Every decision you make during the simulation will have an impact on your employees. Will you be able to bring all the employees to the finish line of the change process? Or maybe you will lose some of them along the way? Come experience and discover for yourself.